The claimed barite concentrate characteristics are confirmed by the consumers' laboratories.
The quality of products and reliability of LLP «Dostau-Litos», as a supplier, are valued not only in Kazakhstan:
- Kazakhstan: JSC «Karazhanbasmunai», LLP «Saranskaya OF», LLP "Batys Munai», LLP «Tutas», LLP «Kazkhimtorg»;
but also in other countries:
- Russia:LLC «Service Center SBM», JSC «Grozneftegaz», LLC «Barit Urala»; LLC «Irene»;
- Uzbekistan:: JSC «O’ztashqinneftgaz», JSC «Uzgeoburneftegaz», JSC «Uzneftegazdobycha»;
- Turkmenistan:: A branch of the Chinese oil and gas corporation CNPC in Turkmenistan.